April 18, 2011 11.41 am This story is over 165 months old

Lincolnshire’s overall health ‘generally good’

Average: NHS Lincolnshire have released the statistics of its latest health report.

NHS Lincolnshire has released its latest Public Annual Health Report, which shows that the overall health for Lincolnshire residents is average.

The report shows that although health in the county is generally good, offenders, homeless, disables and those with poor mental health could be better.

The document states that more could be done to improve children’s health issues, as well as continue promoting campaigns such as Change4Life.

To avoid poor cancer survival rates, a national problem, further work will be done in the county to improve earlier diagnosis, the report said.

Primary Care should also make sure more of the high risk groups take the next flu vaccine available to them.

Other figures in the report include:

  • Only 3.41% of people in Lincolnshire are on Jobseekers Allowance;
  • 10.19% of children are elegible for Free School Meals;
  • Just under 40% of mothers breastfeed until their baby reaches six to eight weeks;
  • Out of every 1,000 county teenagers, 3.7% conceive before the age of 18;
  • 83% of offenders smoke (22% of the general population smoke);
  • According to Sport England, Lincolnshire saw a 3.9% rise in physical activity;
  • NHS Lincolnshire spent 8.4% of its budget on cancer last year;
  • 510 women died of breast cancer last year in Lincolnshire—out of 30,294 in the whole of England;

Joint Director of Public Health Tony Hill said: “It is important that we forge strong links with all partners to enable us to improve the health and well-being of people in Lincolnshire.

“By understanding the health needs of the groups and individuals with poorer health we can target services and initiatives that will allow them to live healthier and longer lives.”

Photo: Nicholas Vinacco