August 2, 2011 3.16 pm This story is over 161 months old

New Birchwood cycling facility opens

Olympic preparation: A new cycling facility has been built at Birchwood Leisure Centre.

Training cyclists (L-R): Roger Hobby, Velo Club Chairman, Ben Thomas, Active Nation Depty Manger of Birchwood Leisure Centre, and City Councillor Donald Nannestad.

A new extension of Birchwood’s fitness centre was opened on Tuesday, August 2, with cyclist enthusiasts coming along to help.

At 11am, the Birchwood Leisure Centre opened its new extension, which houses exercise bikes and classes such as spinning.

City Councillor Donald Nannestad opened the extension, joined by Roger Hobb of Velo Club Lincoln, a racing club.

The City of Lincoln Council helped fund the extension, which is run by Active Nation. The investment hopes to entice more people to try out a sport.

Nannestad said: “With a year to go until the Olympics, we’re proud to be investing in more facilities that will help to get people active in Lincoln.

“Birchwood Leisure Centre is already a popular place for local people to get involved with sport and activity, and we hope the new extension and spinning area will be welcomed.”

As well as the spinning classes starting Tuesday, there are also adapted bikes available for hire to cycle around the on-site bike track.

Deputy Contract Manager at Active Nation Jacqui Vear said: “We are delighted to be increasing the number of cycling based fitness opportunities for people in Lincoln, especially as anticipation builds for the London 2012 Olympics.

“It is almost a year to the day to when the 250km (156 mile) men’s road race will take place, on the opening weekend of the Games.”

Source: City of Lincoln Council | Photo: Kelly Moore for The Lincolnite