December 1, 2011 11.07 am This story is over 152 months old

Lincoln Christmas Market ready to kick off

Ready to go: The Christmas Market is ready for its opening night, and there’s going to be plenty for people to see and do.

The Lincoln Christmas Market opens for the first time since 2009 tonight, with plenty of things for the expected 100,000-plus visitors to see, do or buy.

After seeing the Mayors of Lincoln and Neustadt officially open the market at the Cathedral, visitors can enjoy street performances for all ages or listen to some carols to get into the Christmas spirit.

The Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Band will play Christmas carols while the market is officially opened on December 1 at 6.15pm on the Cathedral steps.

A mix of musical and theatrical entertainment from the Da Capo Singers, the New Life Choir and others will fill the other three days.

Also expect to see nativity plays and performances of A Christmas Carol in St Paul in the Bail, Bailgate and Castle Hill.

If children do not want to spend all day or night shopping, they can enjoy fairground rides such as the big terrace wheel, or head over to Westgate School to make crafts, such as wreaths, decorations and more.

256 stalls are expected to be present at the market this year, local and international, meaning there is plenty to buy or eat — not forgetting stops for mulled wine.

For the first time, the City of Lincoln Council will also sell customised bags and mugs as a souvenir for visitors, with prices starting at £2.50.

Events Officer Holly Parker said: “We are hoping that ‘a mug of Christmas cheer’ will be used over and over again by everyone during the festive season, to keep warm and merry and remember the Lincoln Christmas Market.

“Along with ‘a bag full of Christmas goodies’, we’re hoping visitors will take home a piece of the market.”

Motorists will be restricted in uphill Lincoln; a Park and Ride service is in place from the Lincolnshire Showground, starting at £12 per car (concessions available).

For more information on the Market, take a look at the entertainment programme or visit the Christmas Market website.

Photo: City of Lincoln Council