June 20, 2012 12.23 pm This story is over 150 months old

Swedish Air Force lands debut at Waddington

New guest: The Waddington Air Show has another country’s air force joining the variety of displays at the event.

RAF Waddington has announced that the 77th aircraft flying at the Waddington Air Show next week will be the Saab 340 Erieye, part of the Swedish Air Force.

The Erieye, named for its radar system, supports a crew of five, and is capable of remaining airborne for hours whilst monitoring movements around the globe.

This will be its first time visiting the annual air show.

Joined by its Saab contemporaries from Austria and the Czech Republic, the air show team hopes the Erieye will promote public interest in the world of combat surveillance.

Around 20 countries are due to take part this year, with a further 76 aircraft performing aerobatic displays to a crowd of thousands.

Featuring a variety of flying and static displays from all over the world, The Waddington Air Show will be joined by aircraft from the RAF and Royal Navy.

In testament to its popularity, the show is currently in its 18th year and the 2011 display attracted over 145,000 visitors from across the country.

The Waddington Air Show will take place on Saturday June 30 and Sunday July 1 at RAF Waddington air base, three miles south of Lincoln.

Tickets for the show can be purchased on the event website.

Source: RAF Waddington | Photo: Gnolam