January 7, 2013 11.30 am This story is over 139 months old

New heart centre opening at Lincoln hospital

Non-stop surgery centre: A new £4.3 million cardiac catheter laboratory will shortly open at Lincoln County Hospital, which is more than double the size of the other heart unit.

A new £4.3 million cardiac catheter laboratory is opening at Lincoln County Hospital, for emergency and planned invasive cardiac procedures for patients across Lincolnshire.

The second heart unit is more than double the size of the other unit, and will be open for procedures 24/7, 365 days a year.

The centre offers primary angioplasty (PPCI), the best available treatment for people suffering a heart attack.

This procedure uses a small balloon, inserted into the heart from the arm or the leg, to unblock a blocked artery which is usually the cause of a heart attack.

The work to build the unit started in 2010, and includes two cardiac catheter labs and a recovery bay. Ambulances will also be able to drive straight into the unit, rather than to A&E.

Dr David O’Brien, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist and Clinical Lead for the project at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “This is a really exciting development for Lincolnshire as the new heart centre will enable us to offer this first class treatment to all patients across the county.

“Time is of the essence in clearing an artery once it is blocked and it is important to save as much heart muscle as possible and limit damage to the heart.

“For this reason patients ideally need to be in the heart centre and with their artery unblocked within 120 minutes of calling for help.”

The existing heart centre team has performed nearly 2,000 procedures, plus more than 5,500 coronary angiograms and fitting around 1,100 pacemakers.

Before the official opening, residents can attend an open evening on Friday, January 18, when they can tour the facilities and staff will provide information. To book, call 01522 573986.