November 19, 2013 10.04 am This story is over 129 months old

Lincoln school kids appeal for Christmas charity raffle prizes

Help needed: Year 4 children at Westgate Academy are asking local businesses to help them with prizes for the school’s big charity raffle.

A primary school in Lincoln which runs a big Christmas raffle is asking local businesses to donate prizes.

Every year, Westgate Academy primary school holds the raffle during the Lincoln Christmas Market to raise money for local children’s charities that the school has ties with.

During the Christmas market the school hosts a range of activities, including the big raffle.

This has led to a number of tickets being sold in the past, with thousands raised for charity. This year, they hope to sell 5,000 tickets.

While the school has got the main £200 prize ready, it still needs a number of other prizes from local companies and organisations to donate.

Children from Year 4 are leading the fundraising project, and have been writing letters to local business leaders, asking for donations. They will also try to sell 10 tickets each.

Teacher Tom Leach said: “At Westgate Academy, we encourage our children to think about those who are less fortunate than ourselves during this time of year and raising money through the Christmas raffle for charity plays an important part of this.

“Westgate also has strong community links; therefore chances like this raffle to help support important charities that help so many children that attend our Westgate are relished by everyone at our school.”

He added that anything businesses can donate will help the school run the raffle.

“It can be something small or something big — anything you can give will help towards this worthy cause.

“Every prize donated will help sell tickets and raise more money to support local children’s charities that play such important roles in many young people’s lives at this time of year,” he said.

The prize draw will be held at 4pm on Sunday, December 8, the last day of the Christmas Market.

If companies wish to donate a gift they can email [email protected], call 01522 528308 after 3.30pm or write to the school at Westgate Academy, Westgate, Lincoln, LN1 3BQ. Donations can be dropped off at the school.