January 13, 2014 1.57 pm This story is over 127 months old

Lincoln Australian Breakfast cancelled

Cancelled: The City of Lincoln Council has to cancel the annual Australian Breakfast this year due to no available venue.

Lincoln’s annual Australian Breakfast has been cancelled this year due to lack of a suitable venue.

The City of Lincoln Council, who organises the event, could not find a venue to host the big breakfast in time.

Previously, the council hosted the Australian Breakfast in The Lawn, however the premises are still up for sale, so they are not in use.

The City Council also cited a decrease in the number of donations and a fall in the number of visitors for the cancellation.

Kate Fenn, Civic Manager, said: “We are disappointed to have cancelled the Australian Breakfast but events like this are reliant on so many factors which this year, unfortunately, have not been things we can easily rectify.”

Despite this, there are already plans to improve the event in time for next year’s Aussie breakfast.

Kate Fenn added: “I am, however, keeping opportunities under close reviews as to whether this one-time popular event can be revitalised for 2015 and any new ideas or suggestions will be gratefully received.”

Anyone interested in helping with the 2015 Australian Breakfast should call the City Council on 01522 881188.