January 24, 2014 12.18 pm This story is over 127 months old

Lincolnshire council awarded £2.7m to help local businesses

Lincolnshire means business: The County Council has been awarded £2.7m from the European Regional Development Fund to run nine projects in Lincoln, East Lindsey and Boston.

Lincolnshire County Council has been awarded £2,777,693 from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to run nine projects in Lincoln, East Lindsey and Boston.

The council will be working with the Greater Lincolnshire LEP, district authorities, the University of Lincoln and the third sector to offer more than 250 businesses support to help them grow.

Meanwhile, some of the money will be used for infrastructure improvements in Lincoln.

Part of the work will focus on the uphill area, complementing the project at Lincoln Castle, with the rest centring on the Lincoln Science and Innovation Park.

Councillor Colin Davie, Executive Member for Economic Development, said: “We’ll be using this money to offer tailored advice and practical support to businesses, helping them become more competitive.

“Three key aims will be encouraging local businesses to employ graduates, helping coastal firms understand the benefits of digital technology, and strengthening the links between businesses and the voluntary sectors.”

“This element of the programme will be about ensuring local businesses can share in the benefits these two key projects bring to the city,” Councillor Davie added: 

Further information on the support available to eligible businesses can be found on the council’s Business Lincolnshire website.