February 6, 2014 10.37 am This story is over 126 months old

Onlincolnshire gets funding boost for business support

Creative business support: Onlincolnshire has received almost half a million pounds of funding to introduce county businesses to the benefits of new technology.

Lincolnshire County Council’s Onlincolnshire project, which promotes superfast broadband, has secured almost half a million pounds of funding from the EU to support local businesses.

The project was awarded £426,000 by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and has launched an 18-month-long package of support for digital and creative businesses in the county.

The Onlincolnshire support will include workshops about online services and best business practice, technology master classes and a Meet the Buyer conference.

The funding will also boost awareness of the equipment available through Lincolnshire technology hubs.

Three hubs are now open, in Mablethorpe at the Coastal Centre, in Boston at the Enterprise Centre and in Louth at Meridian Leisure Centre.

Further hubs in Lincoln and Horncastle are being planned for early 2014.

The Mablethorpe and Boston hubs have 3D printers and laser cutting equipment to help busineses with design, prototyping and small scale fabrication.

A the Louth Hub businesses and sports coaches can access the latest in motion sensing spot technology, 3D cameras and a 3D high definition television.

Onlincolnshire’s main aim is to raise awareness of the benefits of superfast broadband and bring an improved connectivity to the county.

The events are being organised by the Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce and CDI Alliance on behalf of the Onlincolnshire project.

Lincoln firm Shooting Star PR has also been awarded the contract for the next phase Onlincolnshire project to deliver a multi-channel PR, communications and events campaign.

Councillor Colin Davie, Executive Member for Economic Development at Lincolnshire County Council, said: “The power of the internet can transform the way we do business, and with superfast broadband being introduced across the county at the moment, we need to be ready to make use of it.

“The events will offer a chance for networking with other businesses as well as workshops focusing on different online services.

“There will also be huge benefits for those taking on the one-to-one support as they will have access to a consultant who can help identify opportunities for that business.”