April 21, 2014 1.53 pm This story is over 129 months old

Lincolnshire teachers to go on strike again in June

NUT conference votes for action: Teachers from across Lincolnshire and Lincoln are set to go on strike in June.

Teachers from across Lincolnshire and Lincoln are set to go on strike in the week beginning June 23.

The National Union of Teachers’ (NUT) conference voted on April 21 for the strike that could close schools across the country.

The action is part of a continued row with the government over working hours, pay and pensions.

Further strikes are possible in the autumn term unless unions and the government make “significant progress” with their talks, conference delegates agreed.

Christine Blower, General Secretary of the NUT, said: “The union will demand that Michael Gove attends talks with the unions to discuss his education policies, on workload and accountability, teacher pay including performance related pay and his unfair pension changes.

“If the strike happens it will be Michael Gove’s fault.

“Teacher morale is at a dangerously low ebb. Changes to pay, pensions and a working week for many teachers of 60 hours are driving many out of the classroom.

“Parents share our concerns about this government’s chaotic approach to school place planning and the wasteful free schools programme.

“Millions of pounds are being spent on new free schools where there is often not a need and many areas have a looming school places crisis.

“The government’s rushed changes to the curriculum and examinations, as well as their obsession with tests and targets for children as young as two, are entirely the wrong approach.

“Filling our classrooms with unqualified people is not the solution,” she said in a statement.

A Department for Education spokesperson told Sky News: “Ministers have met frequently with the NUT and other unions and will continue to do so.

“Further strike action will only disrupt parents’ lives, hold back children’s education and damage the reputation of the profession.

“We know that the vast majority of our teachers and school leaders are hard-working and dedicated professionals.

“That is why we are giving teachers more freedoms than ever and cutting unnecessary paperwork and bureaucracy.”