June 27, 2014 10.39 am This story is over 127 months old

Crowdfunding bid for Lincolnshire family WW1 film

Watch the trailer: The true story of a Lincolnshire family whose two boys fought for their country in WW1 is being brought to life by a local film company – and they need your help to fund it.

The true story of a Lincolnshire family whose two boys fought for their country in WW1 is being brought to life by a local film company – and they need your help to fund it.

The Tell Them of Us teaser trailer is now available to view on YouTube and through the crowdfunding website, where people can make pledges to help with production costs and wages.

WAG Screen is a Lincoln-based not-for-profit filmmaking group dedicated to telling stories of Lincolnshire’s history and heritage.

The company is currently filming for Tell Them of Us in order to mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War.

After selecting a Lincolnshire war memorial at random, the team uncovered the story of Robert Crowder, whose family had held his memory dear and had a kept a remarkable unpublished archive of documents and photographs.

The film will be based on his story and will be told from the home front and from the perspective of those left behind. Robert Crowder died at Passchendaele in 1917, aged 21.

The film is directed by Nick Loven.

As well as gaining the support and skills of generous actors and crew members, the production also features lead Victoria Rigby, who recently starred in the highly acclaimed show Girl From Nowhere.

Pauline Loven is the Producer and Costumier for the film. She said: “We are now about a third of the way into filming, with no real problems so far.

“We have a brilliant cast, crew and Director, but it has been complicated coordinating filming as each of our wonderful cast has other acting jobs to do in order to make a living.”

“I have committed myself to two years unpaid work to help make this precious film happen and I am supported in this by some amazing people who are also committing their time and resources (often covering their own costs), which is helping us achieve high production values on a shoestring.”