June 23, 2014 9.51 am This story is over 127 months old

Lincoln women’s business club teams up with national charity

Women united: Lincoln-based Angels Bring Business has teamed up with a national charity in a drive to empower women across the globe.

Lincoln-based Angels Bring Business (ABB) has teamed up with a national charity in a drive to empower women across the globe.

The Lincoln business club has forged an alliance with Women for Women International (WfWI) to encourage women to “fight back from life crisis and become emotionally independent”.

WfWI was established 20 years ago by Zainab Salbi and works to provide women survivors of war with the resources they need to move out of poverty to a state of stability and self-sufficiency.

The organisation works in eight different countries, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Rwanda and South Sudan.

To date it has helped more than 384,000 women, by training them in life skills.

Angels Bring Business co-founders Wendy Spalding-Siracusa and Josephine Peacock said that there are strong synergies between the two organisations.

Wendy, a Partner in the Commercial Property Department at Sills and Betteridge solicitors, said:

When they founded Angels Bring Business Wendy and Josephine had a vision of partnering with a charity which shared their vision and ethos on an international scale.

“It was one of those serendipitous moment when Josephine and I found that, independently, we had both come across and wanted to support the same charity,” she added.

Josephine said: “It shouldn’t matter where you empower women to be economically independent, that’s just about geography.

“We face similar challenges and those of us, who are the lucky ones, can grow by giving back to those less fortunate.”

Both ABB and WfWI are now getting behind the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative, which is being spearheaded by William Hague, Foreign Secretary and Angelina Jolie, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

The team are encouraging anyone wishing to learn more to get in touch by contacting Wendy Spalding-Siracusa on [email protected].