November 27, 2014 9.15 am This story is over 121 months old

Lincoln Light Up a Life event raises £31k for charity

Biggest ever turnout: Over £31,000 was raised at the Lincoln Light Up a Life event in aid of St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice.

Over £31,000 was raised at the Lincoln Light Up a Life event in aid of St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice.

The 14th annual celebration began with an open service at Our Lady of Lincoln Church on Tuesday, November 25.

More than 1,200 people then took part in a flaming torchlight procession through uphill Lincoln to the cathedral.

See our gallery of the Light Up a Life event

Photo: Stuart Wilde

Photo: Stuart Wilde

The procession was led by RAF Waddington Pipe Band and followed by members of the Army Cadet Choral Band.

The procession was greeted by songs from a choir before the Tree of Life lights were switched on. People were then invited to tie messages of love to the railings surrounding the tree before coming together again to enjoy mulled wine and soup.

Becky Otter, Event Manager for St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice, said: “It was breathtaking to see so many people from our local community coming together to share their memories of loved ones.

“This year is by far the biggest turn out we have had and we are so grateful for all the support we have been given. Every penny raised from this event will help to ensure that people across Lincolnshire receive the end of life care they deserve.”