February 3, 2015 1.21 pm This story is over 114 months old

Lincoln bus services changed after Canwick Road works disruption

Revised timetables: Several Stagecoach bus services in Lincoln will be running under amended timetables due to Canwick Road works disruptions.

Several Stagecoach bus services in Lincoln will be running under amended timetables due to Canwick Road works disruptions.

From Monday, February 9, the company will be making temporary adjustments to the 6, 10, 53 and 103 services to alleviate delays.

The Canwick Road works, which began on January 5, have caused reported delays through the city and surrounding areas of up to an hour.

Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

A Stagecoach spokesperson said: “Unfortunately, roadworks in the city have caused more disruption to bus services than originally anticipated.

“In the New Year we changed bus services we thought would be affected by the roadworks and these changes do appear to have been successful.

“Other services running to, from and within the city are experiencing long delays too. We are very sorry this is happening and are currently looking at ways to alleviate the problem.”

Users of the affected services are being asked to keep checking the Stagecoach website daily and to check with staff member in the Travel Shop if their service is affected.

The services also affected are 6, 10, 53, 53, 53A, 53A, 53B, 103, 103.

Temporary adjustments will be made to the following timetables:

Alan Aistrup, special projects manager at Lincolnshire County Council said: “The Canwick Road works site team are in regular contact with Stagecoach regarding the impact the works are having on services.

“We are also holding regular meetings with them and other bus operators to discuss issues and potential solutions. However whilst the works are ongoing there are only limited measures available to minimise the delays.”