March 3, 2015 5.37 pm This story is over 113 months old

West Lindsey District Council promises council tax freeze

Council tax freeze: West Lindsey District Council has announced it will again not increase its share of council tax for 2015/16.

West Lindsey District Council has announced it will freeze its share of council tax for 2015/16.

The freeze was confirmed in the council’s budget report submitted to the council on March 2.

The current council tax precept paid by West Lindsey residents in Band D properties is £191.34 per year.

Residents will continue to pay the 2013/14 rate, meaning council tax has been frozen in four out of the last five years.

Council tax charges are levied by Lincolnshire County Council (making up around 73% of the total bill), the district council (9%), Lincolnshire Police (13%) and parish and town councils.

The report also included plans for more than £9m in capital investment in the district.

The capital programme is subject to a range of factors and subsequent business case and detailed approvals. The major planned programmes include:

  • £1.55m maximising assets and investing in land and property
  • £5.8m working with other housing providers in meeting housing needs
  • £735,000 improving service efficiency and using new technology to help people get online
  • £355,000 to continue to support community projects

Leader of the council, Councillor Jeff Summers said: “We are well aware of the levels of tax people pay. Our philosophy is to allow residents to spend their own earnings whilst we attempt to make up any shortfalls of savings required using our own resources.

“This budget is about investing in our corporate priorities. It is about developing commercial and transformational approaches to deliver the required level of savings alongside a regeneration strategy.”