December 4, 2015 3.32 pm This story is over 104 months old

Vision for £7m office developments in Lincoln signals 179 jobs

New offices: Outline plans for new multi-million city centre offices have joined prospective developments surrounding Lincoln’s ongoing East West Link road.

Outline plans for new multi-million pound city centre offices have joined prospective developments surrounding Lincoln’s ongoing East West Link road – signalling the potential for almost 180 jobs.

Lincolnshire County Council will consider a study into how two plots of land off the East West Link could be used for £7.25 million offices at a meeting on December 8.

Expected economic outputs from the development of the two plots is 179 jobs.

Artist impressions of how the new offices could look have been designed by CPMG Architects Limited, based in Nottingham.

Artist impression: CPMG Architects Limited

Artist impression: CPMG Architects Limited

The initial business case for the Kesteven Street development was submitted by Urban Delivery. The company have consulted with the City of Lincoln Council and sought evidence of demand from local agents Pygott and Crone.

When construction of the new highway is completed midway through 2016, Lincolnshire County Council will be left holding five land parcels alongside the road, of which three are considered developable.

Plots outlined for development. CPMG Architects Limited

Plots outlined for development. CPMG Architects Limited

Two of the three plots could be brought forward immediately, whilst the third will be required to provide temporary car parking for rail users until completion of the new Transport Hub in approximately 2019.

Working with contractors Wilmott Dixon, Urban Delivery has revealed designs for two plots (22,585 sq ft and 14,461 sq ft) of office space, and a ground floor cafe.

Artist impression: CPMG Architects Limited

The proposed plot 2 offices. Artist impression: CPMG Architects Limited

The first block (plot 2) is located east of Wyvern House. The other (plot 3) is to the west of Sincil Dyke, shadowed by the Pelham Bridge fly-over.

Proposed plot 1 offices. Artist impression: CPMG Architects Limited

Proposed plot 1 offices. Artist impression: CPMG Architects Limited

Other development options considered included student accommodation, affordable housing and extra-care and health.

The report summarised that the most appropriate use would be offices, having the strongest market demand and would deliver a surplus along with possible grant support, with Lincolnshire County Council taking headline on the properties.