December 17, 2015 11.35 am This story is over 104 months old

Lincolnshire Co-op celebrates 250,000th member

Quarter of a million members: Lincolnshire Co-op has reached 250,000 members and will give 100 members extra dividend this Christmas.

Lincolnshire Co-op has signed up its 250,000th member, and will be sharing the celebration with 100 other customers.

Ray Cooke was the quarter of a millionth member to sign up for a dividend card at the Old Leake Food Store near Boston.

He bagged himself £250 in dividend as well as £250 for his store’s Community Champion, the Bennington Community Heritage Trust.

Some 100 other existing members will also receive £25 in divided to celebrate the membership milestone and winners will be notified on their till receipts.

A quarter of a million members marks how far Lincolnshire Co-op has come since its humble beginnings in 1861, when the founders first joined together to work co-operatively to get decent food, healthcare and education.

Community Liaison Representative at the store Kelly Game said she was pleased that a regular customer had been the 250,000th to sign up: “We see Ray in the shop every day and he’s always really friendly, so I’m glad he was the one to benefit from the spot-prize.”

Member Engagement Manager Richard Whittaker said: “Members always get more for shopping with us so we thought we’d acknowledge what a special moment this is with an extra reward.”