December 21, 2015 11.23 am This story is over 104 months old

Stunning pictures show Northern Lights appearance over Lincoln

Caught on camera: A spectacular light show was seen over Lincoln overnight on December 20 and one Lincoln photographer was around to capture it.

Stargazers in Lincoln received a special treat overnight as an Aurora Borealis cast a spectacular light show over the city.

Otherwise known as the ‘Northern Lights’, a hue of emerald ribboned across the city skyline and photographer Charles Simpson, was at hand with his camera to capture the rare moment.

Charles, 43, from Reepham near Lincoln is an archeologist and part-time science teacher. Despite practising photography for over 20 years, he said the sight was like no other he’s seen in the county before.

Photo: Charles Simpson

Photo: Charles Simpson

“These pictures were taken from a field three miles outside of Lincoln. They were taken around 7.15pm looking north.

“There was a strong geomagnetic storm last night producing aurora much further south than usual.

“This is the second time I have been able to photograph the aurora over Lincolnshire but last night was much much better than previously.”

An aurora is caused by collisions between electrically charged particles released from the sun that enter the earth’s atmosphere, meeting gases like nitrogen and oxygen.

The phenomenon is most commonly seen near to the magnetic poles, but last night a solar flare resulted in displays across North Wales and the UK.

Did you see the Aurora last night? Send in your pictures to [email protected] to include in our story.