April 27, 2016 10.37 am This story is over 104 months old

2016 City of Lincoln Council election candidates – Birchwood ward

Ten candidates from five parties are standing in Birchwood ward for the City of Lincoln Council elections taking place on Thursday, May 5. Below is a list of all the candidates standing in the ward: Morgan Aran – Liberal Democrats [No picture provided] Age: 20 Marital Status: Rather Not Say Twitter: N/A What are the main issues affecting your…

Ten candidates from five parties are standing in Birchwood ward for the City of Lincoln Council elections taking place on Thursday, May 5.

Below is a list of all the candidates standing in the ward:

Morgan Aran – Liberal Democrats

[No picture provided]

Age: 20

Marital Status: Rather Not Say

Twitter: N/A

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if (re)elected as a city councillor?

Birchwood ward is beset with congestion on major routes caused by increasing traffic heading in and out of the city, and this would increase further with the Swanpool development proposals. We need to work with our MP and our county council to find along term solution to the traffic concerns and they need to include a Southern Bypass (alongside the Eastern Bypass which is set to be built) and a Park and Ride scheme for the city and ways to minimise the impact of the Swanpool development on traffic.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

I have been a campaigner on mental health and equality issues for a number of years. I believe everyone has a voice that should be listened to and that fairness should be the priority for any council decision. 

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I am currently designing a fantasy card game.

Jenine Butroid – Conservative

Jenine Butroid - Conservative

Jenine Butroid – Conservative

Age: N/A

Marital Status: N/A

Twitter: N/A

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if (re)elected as a city councillor?

Anti-social behaviour is usually an indicator that some individuals in society feel frustrated and limited in the opportunities available to them. Through listening to all of our needs, equally, in each community and in society in general can we only truly understand what drives anti-social behaviour. It is through working with individuals and groups that most effective action can then be taken, choosing where to invest the council’s budget to suit the needs of the community.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

I am a young woman that understands the challenges of running a successful business, a home life and making time for my own interests; writing, blogging and self care.

I am passionate about many things, not least mental health and improving the way we access much needed counselling services in Lincoln. I am an active campaigner and making very real change through my not for profit organisation, Supporting Minds. I see myself and my business as being very much the bridge between the free but overstretched and limited services of the NHS and the often expensive field of private therapy. 

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.


David Denman – Conservative

David Denman - Conservative

David Denman – Conservative

Age: N/A

Marital Status: N/A

Twitter: N/A

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if (re)elected as a city councillor?

The main issues are crime, anti-social behaviour and traffic congestion. I would work closely with other agencies to reduce these problems in Birchwood. I would also work to promote Birchwood businesses.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

Few Birchwood candidates have been councillors before. I served on City of Lincoln Council for five years representing Glebe Park and St. Giles. 

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I am a Chartered Environmentalist and professional ecologist and have worked in the ecology sector since the 1980s.

Paul Gowen – Labour and Co-operative

[No picture provided]

Age: 47

Marital Status: Married

Twitter: N/A

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if (re)elected as a city councillor?

Fly tipping and general littering. Work with the local community and local schools and outside bodies on Birchwood to aid and educate, do litter days, getting the community to take pride in our area. Continue the campaign to re-instate Whisby recycling and waste centre.

Dog fouling, we as a whole community must help each other in getting un-responsible dog owners to become responsible for their dog’s waste.

Speeding on our estate road, I believe that I and my fellow candidates should work closely with the police to total eradicate this menace, it poses a danger to children and adults.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

I believe that my two fellow Labour and Co-operative candidates are local people who live in the local area, and know what is right with our communities and we also know the problems the area has.

We would and already work as a team dealing with everyone’s issues, and not the few that I believe are neglected by some of the other candidates.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

My wife and I had the honour of becoming grandparents to our grandson on Christmas Eve last year. He is a most welcome addition to our family.

Anthony Gray – Labour and Co-operative

Tony Gray - Labour

Tony Gray – Labour

Age: 60

Marital Status: Married

Twitter: N/A

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if (re)elected as a city councillor?

We need to engage with young people, make sure that they feel they are part of this community and have confidence in the future so that they are not at risk of drifting into anti-social behaviour and low level crime.

We must fight the county council to get the Household Waste Recycling Centre at Whisby reopened. This facility benefits the community and the environment greatly.

We deserve a 24/7 fire response from South Park fire station. Cuts in county council budgets should not put lives at risk.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward? 

I have over 40 years of experience of working in local government, as an Environmental Health Officer. I know how councils operate and how to get things done.

I grew up on a council estate and I’m now lucky enough to own my home so I understand the concerns and challenges that face all the residents in our ward.

For 10 years I was the chair of the governing body at Queens Park School and, later, St Christopher’s. This has given me an insight into the special need of children with physical and learning disabilities and their families.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I am a lifelong fan of Hull Kingston Rovers Rugby League. At one point I had the distinction of having visited every rugby league ground in the country.

Rosanne Kirk – Labour and Co-operative

Rosanne Kirk - Labour

Rosanne Kirk – Labour

Age: 46

Marital Status: Married

Twitter: rosiecosy

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if (re)elected as a city councillor?

Birchwood is a diverse ward with a range of issues including a lack of opportunities for young people, anti-social behaviour, and other issues relating to the environment such as littering, fly-tipping and dog fouling. There are also issues concerning speed and road safety.

If re-elected I would continue the work and projects I have started and overseen to create opportunities for young people such as the Birchwood Youth Theatre.

I have been responsible for adding new litter bins, new anti-dog fouling signs and currently working on a new litter campaign with residents. I continue to work on road safety campaigns.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

I am a very pro-active councillor, proud of my ward, and proud to be able to help all residents.

I am also a campaigner and current campaigns include the re-instating of Whisby Waste Facility and supporting a fully retained fire service for south Lincoln.

As the county councillor for Birchwood, I have gained knowledge and experience on social care and mental health services, I feel passionately about these areas, that need more investment.

Also I am working with highways and Lincs Road Safety Partnership to see what can be done to try to resolve speeding issues in Birchwood.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

When at Youth Theatre in early 1990s, I acted with Martin Freeman, who has starred in many productions since including The Office, Sherlock and The Hobbit.

John Radford – Green

John Radford - Green

John Radford – Green

Age: 45

Marital Status: Living With Partner

Twitter: N/A

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if (re)elected as a city councillor?

I am opposed to building on the Swanpool and Western Growth corridor. Traffic congestions is bad enough, in Lincoln and on Skellingthorpe Road, but this is a flood plain and an inappropriate location for building, especially housing! Aside from that, who would maintain the drainage and flood system for this new development, presumably another burden on the council taxpayer?

I also oppose the increase in rail traffic on the line through Lincoln, it’s already heavily used and a bypass line for freight would be a better idea. The rail crossings effectively close down the city when a train comes through.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward? 

The Green Party thinks long-term, and not just from one election to the next. We are socially inclusive and aim to build a better future for all.

The traditional parties have become staid and stagnant, the Green Party will bring fresh ideas and a new energy to Lincoln. Hopefully, a renewable energy, that frees the city from expensive energy costs and reduces our council tax bills.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I’ve lived in Lincoln 20 years now and my children have attended the local schools on Birchwood. I’m a father of four and a grandfather.

I’m an apprenticeship trained tradesman and am still working in the business.

Medieval architecture is a passionate interest for me, so I love Lincoln!

Eddie Strengiel – Conservative

Eddie Strengiel - Conservative

Eddie Strengiel – Conservative

Age: N/A

Marital Status: N/A

Twitter: N/A

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if (re)elected as a city councillor?

• Site Regeneration – I am working with the city planning department of the city council and the owner of the old Wildlife pub site to make good use of this site for local residents.

• Traffic – I am working with the highways department of the county council to review the access and exit into Birchwood.

• Recycling and rubbish disposal – I am working with the county council to reinstate the recycling centre at Whisby.

• Community areas – as Chairman of Birchwood Big Local working to install play areas and improve Jasmin Green.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward? 

• I have lived in the area for 30 years.

• I am the longest serving and most experienced councillor for Birchwood.

• I have been active in the community working for Birchwood residents to improve facilities and services since 1991.

• I was the 798th Mayor of Lincoln.

• I am the Chairman of Birchwood Big Local who aims are to improve the areas and increase play facilities for children and young people.

• I am a trustee of YMCA Lincolnshire (incorporating the Nomad Trust) and undertake charity work to help the homeless.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

At the age of 15, I was the original dairyman who made Crowdie Scottish Cheese and went on to help develop that operation into the international cheese making factory – Highland Fine.

When I was in the army I was a football and badminton coach.

Elaine Warde – UKIP

Elaine Warde - UKIP

Elaine Warde – UKIP

Age: N/A

Marital Status: Married

Twitter: N/A

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if (re)elected as a city councillor?

Having a community that is rewarding and safe where residents feel secure. Where education is recognised as being important for all age groups. Schooling for the young and further eduction for adults.

To speak up for the people of Birchwood – low income, single parents, elderly, young couples or whatever their situation is.

The residents of Birchwood deserve the best and I want to help them achieve it.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward? 

I believe in Lincoln and the people of Lincoln. Having lived in Birchwood for the past 38 years I know most of the challenges that our community is up against. If elected to represent the people of Birchwood on the city council I can listen to their concerns, speak freely on their behalf and ensure that their voice is heard.

I do not have to ‘toe the party line’ like the other parties.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I love going to the Daisy Made farm for an ice-cream and feeding the goats.

Tony Wells – UKIP

Tony Wells - UKIP

Tony Wells – UKIP

Age: 68

Marital Status: Married

Twitter: N/A

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if (re)elected as a city councillor?

Having a UKIP councillor on the city council would help to promote the demands of Birchwood residents and I would be honoured to fight their corner, I still say no to building on the Swanpool floodplain, as it would only create flood risk, congestion and pollution. I support building a new village north of the new Eastern Bypass. I want better and larger facilities for Birchwood residents of all age groups.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward? 

Being in UKIP we are allowed to to say and recommend what is right for the residents of Birchwood and are not constrained by main party politics.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I have lived in Lincolnshire since 1966 and class myself as an honorary Yellowbelly.