April 1, 2016 3.22 pm This story is over 100 months old

Lincoln Wetherspoons pub to call last orders

A Lincoln JD Wetherspoon pub will be closing its doors after service on Sunday, April 3. The Forum pub on Silver Street in the city centre has announced that it will close after a re-evaluation of the company’s estates. The venue will go onto the market after closing. Lincoln currently has three Wetherspoons pubs including The Ritz on…

A Lincoln JD Wetherspoon pub will be closing its doors after service on Sunday, April 3.

The Forum pub on Silver Street in the city centre has announced that it will close after a re-evaluation of the company’s estates. The venue will go onto the market after closing.

Lincoln currently has three Wetherspoons pubs including The Ritz on High Street and The Square Sail on the Brayford. These sites will remain open.

A letter to customers from the chain's chief exec

A letter to customers from the chain’s chief exec

The chain has confirmed that all of the venue’s staff will be offered positions at other Wetherspoons pubs in the area.

A spokesperson said: “Wetherspoon, like other companies, re-evaluates its estate from time to time and it was felt that the two existing pubs in Lincoln cater for our customers.

“We appreciate that loyal customers at The Forum will be disappointed with the decision.”