November 21, 2016 4.34 pm This story is over 95 months old

Decision to be made on 23 new homes in Heighington

Developers are seeking approval from planners next week for 23 new homes to be built in Heighington. Councillors will meet on Tuesday, November 29, to decide whether the new homes will be built on land West of Potterhanworth Road, Heighington. Two applications of 13 and 10 properties have come together to form a single location…

Developers are seeking approval from planners next week for 23 new homes to be built in Heighington.

Councillors will meet on Tuesday, November 29, to decide whether the new homes will be built on land West of Potterhanworth Road, Heighington.

Two applications of 13 and 10 properties have come together to form a single location of 23 homes, due to separate ownerships of the sites.


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Whilst the sites are subject to separate planning applications, the intention is to sign legal agreements to ensure that they are developed at the same time.

The sites are separated from the main body of the area by a visual amenity area, which contains a grass paddock and the curtilage of two dwellings.

If plans go ahead, the site will also help deliver affordable housing at 35% of total numbers in accordance with saved policy H5 of the North Kesteven Local Plan.