January 1, 2017 8.30 am This story is over 96 months old

New Year’s resolutions from Lincolnshire Reporter columnists

Some of Lincolnshire’s most influential public figures have been sharing their New Year’s resolutions for 2017 with us. Our columnists have been busy reflecting on a hectic and memorable 2016, while looking forward to what will take place this year. Take a look at their New Year’s resolutions below. Martin Hill Personal Looking ahead to…

Some of Lincolnshire’s most influential public figures have been sharing their New Year’s resolutions for 2017 with us.

Our columnists have been busy reflecting on a hectic and memorable 2016, while looking forward to what will take place this year.

Take a look at their New Year’s resolutions below.

Martin Hill

Lincolnshire County Council leader Martin Hill


Looking ahead to 2017, my personal wish – as leader of the Conservative Group on the county council – is for a really strong showing in the May election!


More generally, I hope the government gives Lincolnshire enough funding to protect essential services – and that it pushes for a Brexit that honours the spirit of the popular vote.

Read Martin Hill’s Reflections column in full on Lincolnshire Reporter here.

Jan Sobieraj

United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust CEO Jan Sobieraj

I’d like to spend more time with primary care (GPs and others) so I can see how we can jointly provide better support for patients out of hospital.

Read Jan Sobieraj’s Reflections column in full on Lincolnshire Reporter here.

Karl McCartney

Lincoln MP Karl McCartney. Photo: Steve Smailes for Lincolnshire Reporter


Personal resolutions are always the hardest to keep! Play more football, rugby and cricket, eating healthier, and especially keeping away from the House of Commons’ rock cakes.

If all else fails, being able to cheer Liverpool onto a Premier League title in 2017 is one resolution that I will definitely keep.


Brexit, Brexit and Brexit!

Read Karl McCartney’s Reflections column in full on Lincolnshire Reporter here.

Matt Warman

Boston and Skegness MP Matt Warman


I recently joined the annual President’s Day rugby match at Boston Rugby Club, which reminded me how much I enjoy the sport, so I would like to try and play more often next year, and take up more sport in general in my spare time.


2017 will be an important year for politics, when we start to negotiate our exit from the EU, so I want to keep doing my best to make sure that government ministers know they must fight for the best possible Brexit deal for Lincolnshire, and also ensure that Boston and Skegness’ roads, infrastructure and NHS are at the front of their minds.

Read Matt Warman’s Reflections column in full on Lincolnshire Reporter here.

Melanie Onn

Great Grimsby MP Melanie Onn


I’ve signed up to do the Grimsby 10k in July so I will have to get my act together and start plodding the streets to try and get round that in one go.


I will be pursuing my Workers Rights (Maintenance of EU Standards) Bill and continue to press the government to make good its words and do all in its power to make sure that currents protections are preserved.

Read Melanie Onn’s Reflections column in full on Lincolnshire Reporter here.

Victoria Atkins

Louth and Horncastle MP Victoria Atkins


I look forward to welcoming more schools and constituents to Parliament to see the historic ‘Mother of all Parliaments’. In rare moments of rest, I intend make the most of the beautiful walks available through our Lincolnshire countryside with my family.


My professional resolutions for 2017 include helping the government to deliver Brexit, working hard in my role as Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Home Office and continuing to campaign for better broadband.

Read Victoria Atkins’ Reflections column in full on Lincolnshire Reporter here.

Margot Parker

UKIP MEP for the East Midlands, Margot Parker


On a personal note I don’t set resolutions anymore. I think it’s important though, to learn something new each year and implement them the following year.


On a wider note, I do hope next year a decision is made to maintain and restore services at Grantham Hospital. After marching with the campaign groups, I understand the great concerns and worries and people have.

Read Margot Parker’s Reflections column in full on Lincolnshire Reporter here.

Nic Dakin

Scunthorpe MP Nic Dakin

My New Year’s resolutions are to continue to champion the issues of concern to people of the Scunthorpe area and to find more time and space for family and friends.

Read Nic Dakin’s Reflections column in full on Lincolnshire Reporter here.

Nicky Barr

IBCC Director Nicky Barr. Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

To finally open the doors to the visitor centre at the IBCC.

Read Nicky Barr’s Reflections column in full on Lincolnshire Reporter here.