December 9, 2017 11.22 pm This story is over 84 months old

‘Damned if you do…’ Why they cancelled Lincoln Christmas Market Sunday

More than 180,000 people visited the market since Thursday, and some 200 stalls were at the event.

“The Met Office has issued an amber weather warning for the city and county and are also predicting 10cm of snow to fall.

“Given that many people travel to the Lincoln Christmas Market from all over the UK, we must make this difficult decision to ensure our visitors stay safe,” said Simon Walters, Strategic Director for Communities and Environment at City of Lincoln Council.

‎Steven Welsby, the Communications Manager at City of Lincoln Council, added: “I’m aware comments are being made about mass walk outs by security staff. This is absolutely NOT the case.”

More than 180,000 people visited the market since Thursday, and some 200 stalls were at the event.

“Making a decision 14 hours in advance isn’t easy, but based on best available information. Damned if you do…” explained Lincolnshire Police Superintendent Phil Vickers in a series of replies on Twitter.

“The market closure is a decision for the organiser [City of Lincoln Council], however our advice is to only travel in the amber warning zone if necessary.

“It seems sensible to close [the market] and avoid encouraging unnecessary journeys? [There was] high demand anticipated from Lincolnshire County Council Highways colleagues too.”

The amber warning zone from the Met Office.

Supt Vickers was even more specific: “Not our [Lincolnshire Police] advice to cancel. We all looked at the same information, Police decision (mine) is to recommend only travel if necessary in West Lincs. Market organiser decision not to open tomorrow.”

He said the Sunday closure was “not from fear of litigation on my part. We make decisions based on all of the information available. We make difficult risk decisions every day.”