December 15, 2017 12.49 pm This story is over 84 months old

Lincoln Harry Potter charity store burgled

A collection tin was stolen.

The St Barnabas store on Lincoln High Street, which is currently hosting a Harry Potter pop-up shop, was broken into in the early of this morning.

A collection tin, with around £50 in, was stolen as two bricks were thrown through the door window.

Police discovered the incident in the early hours of this morning (December 15) and now a wooden board covers the smashed window.

The store was found with a smashed window at 2:15am this morning. Photo: Guy Owen for The Lincolnite

This is the third time the store has been burgled in the last six years.

Chief Executive for St Barnabas, Chris Wheway, told The Lincolnite: “It would appear that the people who did this have come for the collection tin we had secured on the top of the desk. They came and took the tin quickly and left.

“It’s sad that people think it’s okay to rob a charity that provide care for dying people.

“We understand there is around £50 of the public’s money in the collection tin.

Photo: Guy Owen for The Lincolnite

“The sad thing about this is that this is direct money that people have donated.

“It’s frustrating because the guys here, who want to do good and sell stuff and raise money for St Barnabas, have to clean all of this mess.”

The store was closed this morning, however is expected to be opened at some point today.