May 18, 2018 10.34 am This story is over 79 months old

Lincolnshire Snow Heroes recognised

They saves lives and brought new ones into the world

Members of the public who stepped up during March’s snowstorm have been recognised for their service during an awards night at Hemswell Court.

The event was organised by Lincolnshire Resilience Forum (LRF), a multi-agency group that works together in emergencies. LRF was touched by the stories of heroic acts from local people and businesses.

Aaron Bird and his colleagues at P Russon & Sons helped to clear the roads at Burton during the Beast from the East. Photo: Aaron Bird

Members of the public were given a chance to nominate their own ‘Snow Heroes’ but it was LRF that had the tough job of choosing a winner.

Lincolnshire Police Chief Constable Bill Skelly, chair of the LRF, said: “We received so many nominations for each of these awards and it’s been nothing short of a nearly impossible task deciding who the awards should go to because each of the nominees were so deserving.

“Tonight has been a chance to say thank you and to let people know that we are incredibly grateful for their help and support during what was a very unusual and extreme situation and, not only that, to celebrate the wonderful people who make us proud to live in Lincolnshire.”

Meet the Snow Heroes who took home an award:

Non emergency services individual – Darren Walker

Darren Walker (left) receives his award. Photo: Lincolnshire Police

Darren came to the aid of over 20 motorists who had become stuck in snow or who were having trouble with the wintery weather.

Those included an old lady who had broken her hip but was unable to be reached by an ambulance, a car which had become wedged in a ditch and was unable to call for help and even a police car that had become stuck in the snow.

Read more about Darren’s story here.

Non emergency services group – P3 Outreach Group

P3 Outreach Group receiving their award. Photo: Lincolnshire Police

Despite the frightening weather, the P3 Outreach Group continued their work with the homeless.

From 4am, and across seven districts, the team worked with Lincolnshire Police and local authorities to provide vital support in a time of crisis.

Read more about P3’s work during the snow here.

Member of the public individual – Lloyd Wright

Lloyd Wright (left) receiving his award. Photo: Lincolnshire Police

During the snowy weather Lloyd was out everyday from 7am in the morning helping to keep Lincolnshire’s roads clear.

His work meant that a number of people, including a woman in labour, were able to be rescued from snow drifts.

Lloyd cleared the road prior the arrival of the ambulance, and continued to shovel snow drifts each time it became stuck.

Member of the public group – Makayla and Karly Dimaio 

Unlike most children who saw the weather as an opportunity to go out and play, nine-year-old Makyla and eight-year-old Karly rose up to help their elderly neighbours.

The pair would then go the local shops and bring them whatever they needed.

The two girls also volunteered to help their local council deliver supplies to vulnerable locals in need of assistance.

Emergency services individual – Rebecca Price

Rebecca is a nurse at Pilgrim Hospital in Boston and was part of a team that was short staffed due to the weather.

Rebecca cancelled her annual leave and worked extra hours to keep the ward running in their place.

Where the ward should have had seven members of staff, with Rebecca’s help it ran with just two.

Emergency services group – James Ogleby, Phillip Lane and Lucy Channer

Lucy Channer (left) and Phillip Lane (right) receiving their award. Photo: Lincolnshire Police

A woman in labour had become trapped by the snow on the A1 but ambulance control operator Lucy Channer managed to get the ambulance to her in time.

Unfortunately the ambulance became stuck on its way to Stamford hospital, so it was down to Paramedics James and Phillip to deliver the baby in the back of the vehicle.

“They were incredible… so calm and kind… we will always be grateful to them for that evening.” said the woman.