July 26, 2018 11.34 am This story is over 78 months old

‘Inadequate’ nursing home failed to ensure quality and safety

The care home has been placed in special measures.

A Lincoln care home has been placed in special measures by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) following an inspection.

Cathedral Nursing Home on Nettleham Road, which is run by Hayworth Care Limited, was given an ‘inadequate’ rating after inspectors found five breaches of regulations.

Inspectors visited the home on February 20 and 21, and February 28, however the report was only published recently.

The CQC rated the care home in five areas, these included:

  • Safe – Inadequate
  • Effective – Requires improvement
  • Caring – Requires improvement
  • Responsive – Inadequate
  • Well-led – Inadequate

In the report, the CQC said: “There was not enough staff on duty with the right knowledge and experience to keep people safe.

“Care staff did not read care plans before they delivered care to people and the delivery of care was not coordinated.

“People and their relatives were not supported to be involved in planning decisions about their care and people were not always treated as an individual, but as a job to be done.

“There was little evidence of visible leadership and good role models to support inexperienced staff.”

Since this inspection, the care home has said it has been reinspected, however, the findings from this have not yet been made available.

A spokesperson for the nursing home said: “Our solicitor is monitoring any reports and shall respond accordingly.

“However, I can confirm we have been reinspected, which was a two-day fully comprehensive inspection and our new rating will be favourable.”

Click or tap here to read the full report.