July 31, 2018 9.53 am This story is over 77 months old

More affordable homes plans for Scunthorpe

They’ll be built on a former park

More plans for social housing in Scunthorpe have been submitted as part of a scheme to build more affordable homes across North Lincolnshire.

A plan for 32 homes on a former park in the town has been lodged by social landlord Ongo Homes which would see the houses built on Rowland Road Park in the town.

The development would include 18 two-bed, 11 three-bed and three four-bed homes, as well as 49 car parking spaces.

It comes as part of a project between Ongo and North Lincolnshire Council to build 240 new affordable homes in the region.

Approval was given for the former Crosby Primary School site for housing as part of the scheme and further applications are expected for the West Street area in Scunthorpe.

In a design and access statement, Ongo said that the proposed Rowland Road application would help to enhance the local area.

It said: “The development offers an architecture that considers the local vernacular and incorporates features to assist the scheme developing a dialogue with the surrounding area.

“The robust nature of the materials will mean that the buildings will age well and harmonise with their context.

“All of this will result in a scheme that provides secure new dwellings in a sustainable location, close to existing facilities and amenities, which will complete the street scenes and enhance the community in which they would sit.”