August 13, 2018 6.39 pm This story is over 76 months old

Woman found in Cleethorpes with ‘stab wounds’

A police cordon was set up on the sands

Police and paramedics swooped on Cleethorpes seafront this afternoon after a woman was found with what’s understood to be stab wounds.

Crowds of onlookers saw police set up a cordon around a section on the sands near the North Promenade on Monday, August 13.

A coastguard helicopter is believed to have taken a person on board on a stretcher to Hull Royal Infirmary.

People at the scene have posted on social media that a woman was found “with knife wounds”, though at the time of writing officials at Humberside Police have yet to comment or confirm details of the incident.

A serious incident on Cleethorpes beach.A woman has been found on Cleethorpes beach opposite the Punch Bowl pub on the North Promenade. A family who spoke with us said that their fourteen year old son found the woman under the steps leading down to the beach. A large crowd gathered to watch the emergency services at work. She was taken by a Coastguard helicopter to hospital. Update the lady is going to be ok Copyright Grimsby News and Pictures Agency The female was quickly stabilised and transferred to the helicopter.#999coastguard #staysafeonthecoast #999emergency #emergency #respectthewater #teamwork #coastguard #searchandrescue #999family #humbersidepolice #volunteers

Posted by Grimsby News and Pictures Agency. on Monday, 13 August 2018