October 10, 2018 1.17 pm This story is over 74 months old

Plans for up to 200 homes on former Hykeham Quarry

New Hykeham homes in the planning stages

Outline proposals for between 150 and 200 homes on a former quarry in North Hykeham have been submitted to North Kesteven District Council.

If approved and brought forward to the next phase, plans would see homes built at Hykeham Quarry on Newark Road.

Cemex UK Properties Limited has carried out mineral extraction from its North Hykeham site for many years and the operations have now drawn to a close as the mineral sources have been removed.

The current quarry site between Newark Road and Apex Lake. Photo: Google

The new plans are for a broad mixture of one, two and three storey homes.

The proposal includes landscaping of the wider open area to enable public access to the site and provide new pedestrian links with other attractions beyond the site, including Whisby Nature Reserve.

Aggregate storage with redundant quarry equipment in the north west of the site and Silver Birch trees beyond. Photo: Robert Doughty Consultancy

Apex lake is set to remain unchanged.

A previous application for the development of the site, which is surrounded by residential development dating from the post-war period to the 21st century, was withdrawn as the Waste Licence had not been formally surrendered to the Environment Agency.

The Environment Agency has now accepted the surrender of this and the Cemex UK Properties Limited now wish to realise the development of the site post-remediation.