November 6, 2018 3.02 pm This story is over 74 months old

Lincoln family “torn apart” by lack of disability equipment

He want to be able to stay with his dad, just as his sister does

A divorced father of a young boy with Cerebral Palsy is arguing for the right to have his son stay with him after he was denied access to the necessary equipment.

Dane Rose, 17, has Cerebral Palsy affecting his arms and legs meaning that he is unable to walk, dress or feed himself and needs 24/7 care.

Due to his condition, Dane also has reflux meaning he can choke very easily if he is left in the wrong position and requires a specialised hospital bed that can be adjusted, as well as a portable hoist to enable him to move safely around the house.

Dane, who currently lives with his mother, was provided with a ceiling hoist and bed by the NHS but was denied the same equipment to be installed at his father’s house due to a policy that dictates the same funding can’t be duplicated.

Newlife, the charity for disabled children, is now looking to raise the £3,673 needed for the specialist equipment, otherwise Dane may never be able to stay with his father.

Dane’s father Justin said: “It’s heart-breaking for us all. Dane wants to stay over at my house, just like his nine-year-old sister Torey does, which would also give his mum respite from caring for him round the clock.

Justin’s son Dane is in desperate need of specialist equipment

“Dane has painful hip dislocations which have already resulted in extensive surgeries – and more are planned.

“Dane could stay with me several times a week, but it’s too dangerous and difficult for him to use a standard bed and too painful for him to be lifted without a hoist. He’s also too big for me to move now and I have a bad back.

“Dane has very painful stiff legs which need to be massaged regularly, but without the hoist and bed we can’t do this, so it’s impossible for him to stay with me for more than a few hours.

“It’s a terrible situation for us all and Dane gets so upset about it. Not having the equipment we need is forcing us apart.”

Carrick Brown, Newlife’s senior manager for care services said: “We see all too often that families who have separated struggle to receive equipment which means children can spend time in both parent’s homes. This fragments families even further – as we see here – and leaves them with no choice but to turn to charities like Newlife.

“Dane is one of 14 children in Lincolnshire right now who desperately need specialist equipment costing £24,171, but unfortunately we can’t help every child in need. Which is why Newlife is calling on the local community and businesses to help Dane and his family.”

If you are able to donate please contact Newlife on 01543 431444. To donate £10 text DANE10 to 70070, email [email protected] or visit the website at