January 16, 2019 10.33 am This story is over 72 months old

Out of this world! Giant moon landing in Lincoln

You can pay what you like to enter the exhibition

A giant moon exhibition is set to delight when it comes to Lincoln in the Easter holidays.

It’s going to be installed at The Collection museum on March 2 until April 28 in the 50th anniversary year of Neil Armstrong’s first walk on the moon.

The moon measures six metres across on the diameter and features detailed NASA imagery of the lunar surface.

It features detailed NASA imagery. Photo: Museum of the Moon

Luke Jerram’s artwork will be accompanied by a series of late night art experiences, afternoon film screenings and new performances.

As well as the giant moon, atmospheric lighting and a surround sound composition from an award winning composer Dan Jones will feature.

It measures six metres in diameter. Photo: Museum of the Moon

The Collection is trialling a pay what you decide approach to allow as many people as possible to experience the work.

Visitor donations will be used to keep the museum running and open to the public.