February 7, 2019 4.37 pm This story is over 70 months old

Roundabout exit to close for manhole repairs

The work will start later this month

A section of lower High Street will face a working hours closure later this month so that sunken manhole lids can be replaced.

Anglian Water will be carrying out the works to replace manhole covers on the road between the South Park Roundabout and the junction with Bargate.

The closure will be in place for the duration of the works as the tarmac and asphalt needs time to set so it can’t be removed for safety reasons.

Anglian Water said the work will starting on the morning of February 17.

The teams will be working between 7.30am-5.30pm each day to minimise disruption. It is excepted to be completed by Wednesday, February 20.

During the works there will still be access to Bargate via Tealby Street and Sidney Street.

Anglian Water is advising customers to not park in the passing lanes that will be in place on these roads to allow for traffic to flow easily to Bargate.

Any concerned customers should contact Anglian Water’s call centre on 0800 145 145.