March 13, 2019 12.14 pm This story is over 70 months old

Historic Lincoln aircraft engine factory torn down

It was the biggest producer of engines for World War One planes

Bulldozers have begun to demolish a 100-year-old Lincoln factory used in the First World War to produce aircraft engines.

Workers were spotted yesterday evening from UDCS using heavy machinery to level the site.

The Ruston & Hornsby manufacturer was established in 1918.

An aerial view of the Ruston site. Photo: Apple Maps

It was last in use as a fertiliser manufacturer in 2015 when it was the former home of William Sinclair Horticulture.

The site has been earmarked as a potential new housing development or a commercial space, but no official planning documents have been submitted to the City of Lincoln Council.

Photo: Dawn Blackman

Photo: Dawn Blackman

Photo: Dawn Blackman

The site has fallen into a state of disrepair in recent years and even suffered from fire damage in 2016 after it was left empty.

In October, The Lincolnite was given a peek inside by a reader.

Ruston Works Building, Lincoln. Photo: Richard Humphrey

As previously reported, officers at the City of Lincoln Council approved the demolition of the Ruston Works and William Sinclair Buildings.

When Dawn Blackman posted her pictures in the Facebook group ‘You’re probably from Lincoln if,’ people debated whether it should have been saved.

Andy Shelton commented: “This is more of our city’s industrial heritage gone to make room for ugly modern accommodation blocks.

“You can’t save it all but it would nice to save some.”

Some even suggested saving part of the building for a museum to Lincoln’s industrial past.

But Johnny Noble said: “Don’t worry it’s called progress. You have got to drag some people kicking and screaming into the 21st century. It was an eyesore.”

Watch this video below from MACE Archives of when Ruston Factory was still in use in 1952.