March 8, 2019 1.09 pm This story is over 69 months old

Local Democracy Weekly: Tax hikes to hit residents across Greater Lincolnshire

What does it mean for residents?

Councils across Greater Lincolnshire have all approved proposed tax hikes but what does that mean for you?

Even without taking into account parish council precepts, residents are facing some hefty increases across the board.

Many councils will argue that most of their properties are below band D (the majority, several of them say, are in fact band A, so substantially lower in tax), however, band D is the accepted average many reports take from, so we’ll do the same.

How council tax will look across the county.

At band D level, you’re probably a bit luckier if you live in the Tory-led North Lincolnshire or East Lindsey – both of those come up “cheapest” after taking into account district, county and unitary amounts along with the PCC, at an average yearly cost of £1,579.35 and £1,675.62 respectively.

In both of the Labour-led North East Lincolnshire and City of Lincoln councils however, well you might want to check those property prices. North East Lincolnshire residents come off worst with a hefty £2,067.86 to pay, while those in Lincoln are in second place with £1,808.68.

So, what are the councils saying in defence of their hikes? It depends who you’re talking to, but the main argument is the slashing of grants by Central Government. This has hit councils across revenue support, business rates retention and more.

It’s left them having to find different ways of making money, from cutting some services to investing in properties such as hotels, business units and new houses.

There are also the arguments that Lincolnshire is rural, its property-types are different, it’s set-up differently. This has led to an “unfair funding formula” for the county, they say.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like it’s going to get much better from this point on. Many councils say the future could hold further cuts. Brexit is on the horizon, but there could, just maybe, be a review of funding. — DANIEL JAINES

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