April 11, 2019 5.08 pm This story is over 68 months old

Watch live as Lincoln Peregrine Falcon nurses eggs

It’s the first time that birdwatchers have had a clear up close view

Watch live up close for the first time as a rare Peregrine Falcon nurses its eggs in a bell tower.

Lincoln Cathedral has been home to the birds of prey for over ten years, but it is the first time we’ve had a clear view of the nest.

A local RSPB group has been volunteering over the past 13 years to monitor the birds and bring their story to people for free.

They will be in a tent on the grass close to the Lord Tennyson statue every weekend in June and July for any questions about the Peregrine Falcons.

Watch it here on YouTube

The livestream project is a collaboration between the University of Lincoln, Lincoln Cathedral and Quickline Internet Solutions.

Since the nesting project started in the cathedral’s bell tower, the Pergrine Falcons have raised at least 27 young.