July 31, 2019 12.23 pm This story is over 65 months old

High Street building earmarked for student accommodation conversion

Developers said there is a need for more postgraduate accommodation

Developers have submitted a plan to convert a derelict building on Lincoln’s High Street into postgraduate student accommodation.

Saxilby Constructions Ltd have lodged the proposal for the building to the rear of 172 High Street which would see the site part converted and extended.

The plan would see five houses of multiple occupation created along with repairs to the building.

Entrance to the proposed accommodation at 172 High Street. The derelict building to the rear is proposed to be converted and extended into student accommodation.

As a result, 19 rooms would be provided specifically for postgraduate students.

Developers said that there is a need for more accommodation for students who are not undergraduates.

In its plans, it said early feedback on a review from university students found there was a “saturation” of first year accommodation and not enough for second and third years, as well as postgraduates.

How the site at Albion Yard currently looks. 19 new student rooms are proposed for the area.

It said: “This problem has now been accentuated with the recent award of the medical school to the university which will attract more mature students and professionals requiring fit for purpose student accommodation.

“Subsequently following recent meetings with the University, the proposals aim to contribute to the current and future outstanding need for student accommodation other than 1st year undergraduate students.”

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