August 29, 2019 12.00 pm This story is over 64 months old

£20,000 to be spent replacing lost allotment plots

It follows the loss of allotment spaces after the sale of Riseholme Road allotments for 35 affordable homes

Senior councillors have agreed to put aside £20,000 to create new allotments in the south of the Lincoln which will replace a site lost to an affordable housing scheme.

The City of Lincoln’s executive committee heard about plans to use a section of open space on Melbourne Road – an area known as Birchwood Fields.

It follows the loss of allotment spaces after the sale of Riseholme Road allotments for 35 affordable homes. The site was said to be in low demand, with only one of the 21 plots in use at the time.

Plans for how the site will be laid out.

At the time the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government would only support the sale if the loss was replaced.

Simon Walters, the authority’s Director for Communities and Environment, told councillors: “All of the work that we’ve done to look at demand has shown there is a need for allotments in the south of the city, so this has been planned for some time.”

Mr Walters added the plans would only take up a section of the site on Melbourne Road and would still leave open space on the site.

The Ermine allotments site on Riseholme Road was sold for housing. Photo: Google Maps

Council leader Ric Metcalfe said: This is excellent, we have long-held aspirations to improve allotments to the south of the City and this makes sense.”

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