August 5, 2019 4.44 pm This story is over 64 months old

Former Boston pub to be flattened for housing charity’s flats

The charity says the plans will support vulnerable adults in the town

A housing charity’s plans to demolish a former Boston pub to make way for 18 “supported living” flats have been approved.

Framework’s proposals for the Duke of York, on Lincoln Lane, will also include training, meeting and staff facilities built into the four-storey build.

These would enable the charity to provide space for one-to-one and group support and advice sessions with residents.

The charity says the plans will support vulnerable adults in the town and help to provide short-term housing.

How the new supported living flats will look.

Approving the plans, Boston Borough Council officer likened the building to the nearby Chantry House.

They called the design “acceptable” and said it was “unlikely to harm the character and appearance of the area.”

The build will include four parking spaces and a large cycle store will be provided for the tenants.

In documents before the authority, Framework said: “This proposed development represents a significant enhancement of those services, and an opportunity to develop far more effective joint working between agencies in their delivery.”

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