August 14, 2019 11.02 am This story is over 60 months old

Nursery plans for former abattoir

A councillor has called in the plans over highway concerns

A children’s nursery could be built on the site of a former abattoir in Deeping St James.

South Kesteven District Councillors will next week be asked to grant the plans from Carousel Nursery to demolish a number of redundant 19th century buildings on the Bridge Street land.

They want to build a new 20 child day nursery along with 20 car parking spaces on the site.

The plans have been called in by Councillor Phil Dilks who has concerns over highway safety and the impact on traffic.

Designs for how the new nursery would look.

More than 50 people have also written to the council to object to the proposals, also noting worries including the effect on wildlife, noise, and a loss of privacy.

The parish councils is concerned over the loss of a quarter of open space on the land, which is in a conservation area.

Officers however, say the proposal would “not result in any unacceptable impacts on the character of the area, residential amenity, the highway network or community infrastructure.”

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