August 16, 2019 11.48 am This story is over 64 months old

Waddington Quarry Industrial Estate “redesign” submitted

The applicants say the units are “much-needed”

A developer is looking to regenerate an industrial site in Waddington by building 17 new commercial units on the disused quarry.

RCS Commercial Properties has asked North Kesteven District Council for permission to “redesign” the southern area of the Quarry Industrial Estate off Grantham Road.

The build would see 17 commercial units built, and the company.

Plans showing the industrial units.

In documents before the authority they say the site has had “clear commercial use” since at least 1975 with planning permissions from that year allowing erection of units and improvements to the road.

“The whole site is an active commercial entity and the proposal seeks to redesign the remaining areas to utilise the site area in a more efficient way,” say the documents.

“Although the areas have unimplemented approvals for four larger units, the proposal is to provide a larger number of smaller units which will provide much-needed commercial buildings for the smaller businesses.”

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