September 9, 2019 3.40 pm This story is over 63 months old

South Holland council pays out £40k for trips and falls

The most it has paid out is £20,689.80

South Holland District Council has paid out more than £40,000 on trips and falls in the past five years.

According to a Freedom of Information request, 16 personal injury claims were made against the council, though 10 of those did not result in a payout.

In total, trips and falls cost the council £40,130.57.

The largest pay-out was £20,689.80, after someone tripped on broken pavement in Pied Calf Yard, in Spalding.

Two other high claims included £8,538.77 for tripping and falling on a bridge and £7,434 for breaking a foot in a pothole.

One claim remains open, which is for £2,209.67 after a radiator fell off a wall.

A South Holland District Council spokesperson said: “We take the health and safety of residents extremely seriously and the council has a robust inspection and repair procedure in place however, sadly, accidents do happen.”

They encouraged people who spot a potential hazard to report it “as soon as possible” through the online link

As reported previously, Greater Lincolnshire councils have reportedly had claims made against them for a number of bizarre reasons including falling off donkeys, walking into noticeboards and getting friction burns from slides.

Unsuccessful claims to South Holland included someone climbing over a fence at Ayscoghfee Hal and impaling their leg on a rail, another people fell through an aviary roof and one person was struck by a revolving door.

The district council which paid out the most was South Kesteven District Council, with £146,247.89 of claims.

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