November 22, 2019 4.01 pm This story is over 62 months old

‘Sign of the times’ as Donna Nook seal pup pictured chewing on bottle

“I just don’t understand why people have to litter, do we not value this planet and all that we share with it?”

A nature photographer has hit out at litter louts after he saw a Donna Nook seal pup chewing on a bottle.

Dan Thurling believes that it’s a privilege to see the seals on the North Lincolnshire coast but has fears about the impact of visitors.

The seal pup was spotted on Thursday afternoon chewing on what appeared to be a glass bottle from Starbucks.

He told Lincolnshire Reporter: “I witnessed a seal pup ‘playing’ with and biting a discarded glass bottle today.

“I fear had the pup had more strength then it wouldn’t have ended well. I imagine the glass bottle is still there but hopefully, it hasn’t harmed these amazing animals.

“I just don’t understand why people have to litter, do we not value this planet and all that we share with it?”

As previously reported, the total number of births at Donna Nook this season is close to the one thousand mark.

Donna Nook Warden’s Facebook page issued its weekly update at around 11.43am on November 16, at which point there were 362 bulls, 1254 cows and 872 pups.