March 25, 2020 4.15 pm This story is over 57 months old

Council crackdown as takeaways neglect social distancing rules

The council will enforce a number of measures

South Kesteven District Council is cracking down on an influx of restaurants, pubs and cafes taking advantage of new government regulations relaxing takeaway and delivery laws.

Under the changes, food businesses adapting to the latest coronavirus safety measures can offer those services.

Council bosses, however, said this had led to people gathering in groups as they queued to get food or drink and using outdoor seating areas.

Under the rules, businesses must ensure:

  • People do not eat or drink on site while waiting
  • Outside seating is not used
  • There is a distance of two metres between customers and shop assistants
  • People enter the premises only in small groups
  • Any queues adhere to social distancing rules
  • They do not sell alcohol unless their existing premises licence allows

SKDC and Trading Standards are now looking to enforce the regulations.

Council Leader Kelham Cooke, said: “We are absolutely committed to supporting our businesses as they adapt to this unprecedented public health crisis, but it is vital that we all work together in the best interests of protecting public health as well as supporting our local economy – it is the right and responsible thing to do.

“We are issuing guidance to our food and drink businesses to help them protect the health of their staff and of their customers. But we will crack down on businesses who do not operate within the new regulations.”

Concerns should be emailed to [email protected]

Those planning to offer takeaway or deliver services should email [email protected]

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