March 20, 2020 9.28 am This story is over 58 months old

Council moves to protect most vulnerable following coronavirus school closures

Some schools will remain open for the children of key workers and the most vulnerable

Lincolnshire County Council bosses have promised to protect the most vulnerable and safeguarded children and adults while school closures are enforced.

Council leader Martin Hill said the authority had been “working hard” to get guidance following the announcement many schools will close from Friday onwards in the latest update from him and chief executive Debbie Barnes.

However, he said some sites would be remaining open to look after the children of key workers as well as the most vulnerable.

“We have been astounded by the offers of support from schools to help their communities during this time,” he said.

“It’s really important that during these difficult times we continue to support the most vulnerable people in our communities.”

“Children and adults that need safeguarding will clearly still need protecting, potentially more than usual.”

Further announcements included:

  • A freeze on applications to change a child’s school mid-year
  • New school admissions being made a priority to ensure all children receive an offer for September 2020
  • Low income families, eligible for free school meals, will continue to receive vouchers for food to ensure the support they receive continues even if they are no longer attending school due to the virus

– Work with partners is taking place to confirm transport requirements for next week.

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