April 20, 2020 12.11 pm This story is over 57 months old

Lincolnshire coronavirus mortuary work progressing in Woodhall Spa

The new site would be used to store coronavirus victims’ bodies

Work is continuing at the site of a mortuary in Woodhall Spa, say those leading the response to coronavirus.

The plans for RAF Woodhall Spa are part of preparations for worst case scenarios put in place in case of a massive rise in numbers of coronavirus victims leading to a need for extra capacity at the county’s existing facilities.

The facility will have an additional capacity of 500.

The Lincolnshire Resilience Forum and its partners have secured a national agreement to use the site for a potential mortuary and Deputy Chief Constable Jason Harwin has confirmed “work is continuing at the site as part of these preparations,” warning that the county “cannot be complacent”.

Lincolnshire Police Deputy Chief Constable Jason Harwin.

Speaking to Local Democracy Reporter Daniel Jaines, he said the site would “hopefully not be required” but that, if it was, “it would ensure deceased loved ones could be treated with dignity and respect”.

He said: “I hope we don’t need it, I really do hope at the end of all this we can say “yes, it’s cost some time, money and effort, but we don’t need it”.”

“What I don’t want to be is in six months time or 12 months time, we’ve not done that work, needed it, and ultimately we’ve got loved ones that have died not being dealt with in respect and dignity in terms of what happens once they’ve died.”

Lincolnshire joins a number of other authorities in planning new mortuary sites, including Bournemouth, Falmer, North Wales, Liverpool, Chorley and Southampton Airport.