June 1, 2020 4.43 pm This story is over 55 months old

How to host a socially distanced barbecue under new rules

Here’s what you can and cannot do at a social distance outdoor gathering

By Local Democracy Reporter

Monday, June 1 is the day England has been waiting for, the day that outdoors gatherings of up to six are allowed.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced last week that the next phase of his lockdown relaxation was to expand the “social bubble” of the British public.

The newest guidelines allow for up to six people from other households to meet outdoors, still socially distancing in the process.

With the weather hotting up and summer time moving into full effect, the urge for barbecues has been apparent across the country.

These are the things you can and can’t do at your lockdown barbecues, as per the government guidelines.

Who can I now see?

The new rules state that groups of up to six people can meet outdoors, with no limit to the number of households that can mix at any one time.

Those from different households must maintain the two metre social distance from one another, while those from the same house can go about as normal.

Where can I meet them?

Most outdoors places, so long as you continue to socially distance from anyone you don’t live with.

This can include gardens and parks, but does not permit for people to gather at outdoor gyms or playgrounds.

Can I have a barbecue?

Yes, but under fairly strict guidelines.

The latest government guidelines say: “You should not pass each other food or drink unless you live together.

“You should not use plates or utensils that someone from another house has touched.

“Either bring your own or ensure you have thoroughly cleaned them before using.”

Can I go inside someone’s home?

Only if absolutely necessary. The two exceptions to the rule are going to the toilet and passing through the house to access the garden.

You’re not allowed inside somebody’s house to help carry food or wash up though.

How far can I travel?

As far as you want, so long as your destination is outdoors and you can return the same night.

The guidance says: “You should continue to avoid using public transport and should cycle, walk or drive wherever possible.”

Other things to keep in mind:

  • You cannot stay overnight at someone else’s household or a secondary home for leisure purposes
  • You should not share garden equipment including chairs and tables, and must thoroughly clean them before and after use
  • You should avoid garages, sheds and cabins as these all class as indoor areas with high risk of transmission
  • You can play sports or exercise with people in groups of up to six, so long as social distancing is upheld (tennis, kicking a ball etc.)

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