August 31, 2020 4.44 pm This story is over 53 months old

August ends with eight new Lincolnshire COVID-19 cases

No hospital deaths for the whole month

There have been eight new coronavirus cases in Greater Lincolnshire confirmed on Bank Holiday Monday, but with no hospital deaths for the whole of the month.

The latest government figures from Monday afternoon show five more cases in Lincolnshire.

This means that there were 204 cases of coronavirus in the county in August.

There were also two new cases in North Lincolnshire and one in North East Lincolnshire.

The eight in Greater Lincolnshire on Bank Holiday Monday is the same number of cases as the final day of July.

Overall, this brings the number to 3,677 cases in Greater Lincolnshire – 2,671 in Lincolnshire, 764 in North Lincolnshire and 242 in North East Lincolnshire.

Nationally, the number of cases has risen to 335,873.

Hospital data confirmed no further deaths on Monday, meaning there were no COVID-19 related hospital deaths in Greater Lincolnshire throughout the whole of August.