September 18, 2020 5.15 pm This story is over 52 months old

Night closures no longer needed on A46 Dunholme/Welton works

Works have made good progress

By Local Democracy Reporter

Scheduled night time closures to create a three-armed roundabout on the A46 have been cancelled due to work progressing ahead of schedule.

The A46 Lincoln Road T-junction is an accident hotspot, and will be turned into a roundabout to try and reduce crashes.

It had originally been allowed to reopen during the day as part of the next phase of works, but good progress means it can stay open at all times.

Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways for Lincolnshire County Council, said: “Thanks to a combination of efficient working and cooperative weather, the team has been able to complete these essential resurfacing works quicker than expected.

“As a result, we’re now in a position to finish this phase of the scheme without the need to close the A46 overnight for the next two weeks, as originally planned.

“This means we can avoid the disruption these closures would have caused, news that I’m sure will be welcomed by everyone travelling in and around the area.”

Reconstruction of the western section of the A46 near Dunholme and Welton will take place early next year.

Specific details will be announced closer to the time, once dates and traffic management details have been confirmed.