October 22, 2020 5.16 pm This story is over 51 months old

Lincoln ‘dog rescue’ owners charged with animal theft

They claimed to work with the RSPCA

By Local Democracy Reporter

Two women from Lincoln who ran a dog rescue that claimed to be working with the RSPCA have been charged with the theft of a dog.

Sally Turzanski, 28, from Lincoln and Ruth Sanderson-Dredge, 31, from Welton ran ‘Breeds in Need’ to give dogs a form of temporary care.

The pair have been charged with theft of a cockerpoo called Athena, who has since been recovered and returned home.

Police have said the two women were claiming to be working in partnership with the RSPCA, with the incident being brought to officer attention after dogs weren’t being brought back home as promised.

Sanderson-Dredge was charged on Wednesday, October 21 with theft and criminal damage relating to alleged spaying and microchipping that was carried out without the owner’s consent.

Turzanski was charged with handling stolen property, and both women have been given conditions including not to possess or be involved in keeping, caring or rehoming animals not registered to them.

Breeds in Need is the organisation that raised thousands of pounds for funding a cleft palate for a pug called Reggie, a fundraiser which now stands at over £7,500.