October 14, 2020 11.17 am This story is over 51 months old

Lincolnshire man writing ghost hunter book

His research into paranormal events

By Local Democracy Reporter

A Lincolnshire ghost hunter is publishing a book which looks at the haunted history of paranormal areas in the UK.

Thomas Warrington, who currently lives in Sleaford, will release Looking For Ghosts: Seeker of Truth in December on the  Amazon Kindle store and in paperback, detailing his search for “the truth” surrounding ghost presences.

It will be his first ever published book, and the 36-year-old went to several Lincolnshire locations on his travels into the unknown.

On his journey across the country, Thomas went to Temple Bruer Preceptory in Lincoln, as well as the Guildhall in the Stonebow, and Haverholme Priory near Sleaford, all of which are included in the book.

Thomas spent a lot of his time at Temple Bruer Preceptory in Lincoln. | Photo: Thomas Warrington

Thomas first became interested in the paranormal after watching Ghostwatch in 1992, which prompted him to read stories about Haverholme Priory near his childhood home in Heckington.

He told The Lincolnite: “Throughout the years I have investigated claims of supposed hauntings across the UK and have also been involved in private cases over the years.

“I have collated a massive amount of witness statements via interviews and also conducted talks at conventions around the UK regarding my ideology and places I have particular interests in.

“The book has been a dream in the making, and I cannot wait for its release in December.

“It’s going to be very surreal to have my own book placed on one of my bookshelves, alongside some amazing researchers publications that I own.

“The book will entail a plethora of avenues, of which reflect my interesting journey in the paranormal field. From private cases to local haunted locations in Lincolnshire and beyond.

“The book will be of interest to anyone who is a believer or of a sceptical nature towards this misunderstood mysterious area of unknown forces.”

The desolate Haverholme Priory near Sleaford was one of Thomas’ first investigations. | Photo: Thomas Warrington

The book’s synopsis reads: “Thomas’s first exciting new publication of an intriguing insight, and realistic concept into a modern day ghost hunter’s ideology and perception of ghosts.

“Personal experiences of investigations within the UK: along with challenges, and thought provoking theories to tantalise any enthusiast or mystifyingly curious individuals of strange phenomena.

“His search for the truth has led him to a very interesting if not fascinating journey into the not yet understood realm of unknown forces.”